Granny Bones, simply known as Granny, is a neutral character from the upcoming animated film, Hope. She is a fabled witch whom is both feared and respected throughout the land. She will be voiced by Shirley MacLaine.
There are rumours that are only whispered in terror. They are the hearsay of Granny Bones, the evil witch who commands the Storm Bird. She makes her home in the dark, forbidding woods, where the trees are mangled and the animals are silenced. They say this hag's magic is great and terrible; capable of drying the oceans and striking down the sky. As it happens, it was the powers of the witch that turned Prince Pyotr's heart stone-cold seven years ago. If the Storm Bird is to be stopped and the Prince's curse to be broken, Granny will have to be faced again.
Physical appearance[]
Bones looks like a typical witch; an elderly and somewhat frightening woman. She has tanned skin, red eyes, fangs and long fingernails. Her long and messy white hair is tied back with a red-violet head scarf.
- I only give you greedy little humans what you want. And what you deserve.