Disney Fanon Wiki

Goof-Off Goose is one of the twenty six characters from Sweet Pickles.


Goose is a white goose with an orange bill and feet. She wears a magenta bandana on her head. On her body is a yellow shirt, a yellow-orange coat with pink buttons, and a green skirt. She wears socks that don't match (just like Zebra), and gray sneakers that are untied.


Goose is lazy and always wanting to sleep. She's always putting off her work for later by saying she'll do it tomorrow.


Goose lives in a house on Fourth Street along with Elephant, Hippo, Lion, Rabbit, and Zebra who each live in their own house. Because Goose is so lazy, her house and yard are not very tidy.


  • Goof-Off Goose might be mistaken for a duck or even Mother Goose because of her clothes.