Ghalen (sometimes known as "Ghal") is a major character in Disney's 2025 animated feature film The Prince and the Waitress. He is Prince Naveen's childhood best friend and a famous musician and chef of Maldonia who reunites with Naveen after he arrived home with his wife Tiana.
Ghalen was born in Maldonia with his family and knew Prince Naveen since they were children. While growing up, Ghalen was learning how to become a chef while Naveen was lazing around in his palace. But together they were interested in music and decided to start a band together, only with Jazz. But after coming on the age of twenty, Ghalen had to say goodbye to Naveen while sailing to New Orleans meeting up with Eli La Bouff and his daughter Charlotte La Bouff. Ghalen didn't see Naveen for years after he married Tiana instead and lived his whole life in New Orleans.
Ghalen is seen to be very friendly and kind to Naveen due to being a prince of their land. As children they were very playful and Ghalen was very polite to the Royal family after inviting him to their home.
Music is even what Ghalen lives for and decided to become a musician and play along with Naveen because he liked music together. So they played a Jazz music in front of all Maldonia.
Physical appearances[]
Ghalen looks just like Naveen, people even mistakes them for being twins. His skin is light brown, has a dark grown hair, hazel eyes and brown lips. He is even very handsome in front of all women that he meets up with.
He wears a yellow shirt and a green apron while his cooking with Naveen and Tiana. At the end of the sequel, Ghalen attends Naveen and Tiana's anniversary and now wears a dark blue sleeveless tunic with gold trim with a white long-sleeved collared shirt, blue pants, and black traditional shoes and gray socks.
The Prince and the Waitress[]
When Ghalen was a young boy along his best friend Prince Naveen, he was sometimes invited for a sleepover and listening to their favorite storybook The Frog Prince.
Some years later, adult Ghalen reunites with Naveen after he arrives in Maldonia with his wife Tiana.
The Maldonians[]
Ghalen appears in every episode of the television series, which follows the adventures of Naveen and Tiana in Maldonia.
- Ghalen's the fourth human best friend to a Disney Prince, the first being Genie from Aladdin, Thomas from Pocahontas and the other being Lance Strongbow form Tangled: The Series.
- Unlike Charlotte La Bouff who plays a supporting role in The Princess and the Frog, Ghalen plays a major role in The Prince and the Waitress, and is an African-American.