"Fairytale Life" is a two-part song from the 2022 Disney+ film, Disenchanted. The first part, subtitled "The Wish", is sung by Giselle as everything in Monroeville just does not seem to go her way. The second part, subtitled "After the Spell", is sung the following morning after Giselle's wish comes true. The song contains a brief reference to "Be Our Guest" from Beauty and the Beast.
Once upon a time
Back there in Andalasia
Rules were clear and colors didn't fade.
Once you found your happily ever after,
Your happily ever after always stayed.
And then I journeyed here,
Where True Love's Kiss was waiting,
Met my prince, became his princess-wife.
But was my ever after just temporary?
How I miss that fairytale life.
Where you wake each day
And nothing's changed
And your daughter doesn't
Feel... estranged.
I thought I'd found a place
Where I could make things better,
But all I did was change where I would fail.
Oh, what do if I do if I don't belong
Where life can never be a fairytale?
Where life can never be a fairy...
Look, Pip! It's the Wand of Wishes. That's the answer. If I want happiness, I need to make things the way I want them to be!
And so I make this wish
Where life is so confusing
And pain can cut you sharper than a knife:
I wish we that we all would live someplace where
Songs of the flowers spring in the air
And ogres and dragons are all that is scary.
Give us all a fairytale life!
I wish...
We had a fairytale life...
Oh, Pip. I guess it didn't work. Oh, well. Tomorrow is another day.
Part 2
(birds chirping)
Giselle: Oh, it's not a very good morning at all, I'm afraid. You know, you're absolutely right, friends. I'll just...
Choir: Get the table set!
Your coffee's percolating!
Can't talk now, I've got some eggs to fry!
Whisk that omelette!
I've got your smoothie waiting!
Would you like your toast whole-grain or rye?
Morgan: (vocalizing)
This day is new now!
There's work to do now!
Scrubbing and sweeping!
All the pleasures of housekeeping!
Cellar to attic,
I'm just ecstatic
Doing my daily chores!
Let's sweep those floors!
Robert: Giselle, you're even more beautiful than you were yesterday!
It's another day!
Another quest!
One more chance to put
My mettle to the test!
Giselle, Family & Choir: What a sunny day!
And what a yummy breakfast!
You'll stay empty, Mr. Garbage Pail!
Garbage pail: Oh, well.
Robert and Morgan: We'll big-bad-wolf it down
Then it's all hands on deck, fast!
Morgan: Rooms to dust!
Robert: And searching for the grail!
Giselle and Family: Our life is almost like a fairytale!
Giselle: Look all around us,
Life now will be
So full of song,
Love and laughter.
And you can bet
We'll finally get
Our happily ever after!
Monrolasians: All over town here,
Fun's streaming down here!
In Monrolasia,
Life is all one big fantasia!
Women: Ladies are dancing...
Men: Here, every man sings...
Choir: So if you're lacking sense,
Come be our guest, be our guest!
And you won't ever be depressed!
(Giselle vocalizes operatically over the following)
Every day is full
Of wonderment and whimsy
All that's magical and marvelous!
When you have a life
That's truly Brothers Grimms-y
There's no sweeter way to live
And thus...
It's this very merry...
Giselle: Extraordinary!
Choir: Fairytale life
For us!
Giselle: (vocalizes operatically)