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Duke is one of the main protagonists in the Rhapsody in Blue segment of the 1999 film Fantasia 2000. He is a construction worker who longs to play in a jazz band.



A construction worker and jazz player conflicted by his responsibilities and his desire to really show off his talent, Duke tries to make work more fun by bringing a little bit of music and rhythm into it.

Whenever traveling, he always seems to be in a hurry whether running late for work or rushing to the jazz club to play.


Fantasia 2000[]

Duke was sleeping in his apartment and by the time he was wide awake, he was very late. He drank milk, stole a donut, and hitched a ride on the newspaper van. At the construction site, he got out a pneumatic hammer by nailing down the nuts on steel and when he took a break, he got out some more and had them crushed by a huge hammer.

Whenever he got bored, he dreamed himself skating and drumming. Afterwards, he used two drumsticks and drummed everywhere in the construction site. He didn't know what to do and flung the hat to Jobless Joe. He rushed to the taxi stop, called for one, but missed it. Although, he used the scooter, got on the subway, and dashed into the jazz club just in time.



  • From all the protagonists of "Rhapsody in Blue", Duke is technically the only one who wasn't on a serious or unpleasant situation: he had an stable job during the Great Depression and was possibly well paid, whereas Jobless Joe needed to find a job, Rachel felt neglected by her parents and Flying John wanted to free himself of his wife's dominance over him. In contrast, Duke just left his job out for the sake of having more fun and displaying his musical talents.
  • From a certain point of view, it can be said that Duke is responsible for improving the lives of his fellow protagonists despite never meeting them: his resignation as a construction worker led Jobless Joe to be hired on his place and his accidental act of bouncing Rachel's ball alerted Rachel's parents about her daughter's alarming situation. And it was thanks to Jobless Joe's hiring as Duke's replacement that Killjoy Margaret was accidentally scooped up away from Flying John, freeing him from her bossiness.
  • Several cabs passing Duke as he tries hailing one, might be a reference to a common belief that cab drivers won't stop for African-Americans.

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Fantasia logo
Films: Fantasia (Video) (Soundtrack) • Fantasia 2000 (Video) (Soundtrack) • The Sorcerer's ApprenticeNight on Bald MountainThe Chipmunks and the Chipettes Join the Disney Family

Video Games: FantasiaKingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop DistanceDisney INFINITYFantasia: Music EvolvedDisney Emoji BlitzDisney Sorcerer's Arena

Disney Parks
Cinderella Castle Mystery TourDisney Animation BuildingFantasia CarouselFantasia Gardens Miniature GolfFantasy GardensPrimeval WorldLe Pays des Contes de FéesMickey's PhilharMagicSorcerers of the Magic KingdomThe Sorcerer's HatVoyage to the Crystal Grotto

Entertainment: Disney Classics: The Music & The MagicFantasmic!Le Livre Magique de MickeyMickey's Gift of DreamsMickey's Magical CelebrationMickey and the Magical MapOnce Upon a MouseVillains Tonight!
Restaurants: Fantasia Gelati
Parades: Disney's FantillusionDisney's Party ExpressDreaming Up!Festival of Fantasy ParadeJubilation!Magic HappensParade of the StarsSpectroMagic
Fireworks: Celebrate! Tokyo DisneylandWe Love Mickey!WishesWonderful World of AnimationWorld of Color
Halloween: Celebrate the MagicHappy Hallowishes

Fantasia: Mickey MouseSugar Plum FairiesNutcracker Suite DancersYen SidMagic BroomsTyrannosaurus RexStegosaurusTriceratopsPteranodonCorythosaurusApatosaurusDiplodocusOrnithomimusBrachiosaurusCeratosaurusKannemeyeriaEdmontosaurusParasaurolophusDimetrodonTylosaurusPlateosaurusAnkylosaurusCompsognathusArchaeopteryxTroodonOviraptorBacchusJacchusCentaursCentaurettesMelindaBrudusIrisMorpheusDianaZeusApolloVulcanBoreasMother PegasusFather PegasusPegasi SiblingsPeter PegasusCherubsSatyrsUnicornsMadame UpanovaOstrichesHyacinth HippoHipposElephanchineBen Ali GatorAlligatorsChernabogChernabog's MinionsVirgin Mary

Fantasia 2000: Donald DuckDaisy DuckColorful TrianglesBlack TrianglesHumpback WhalesDukeFlying JohnKilljoy MargaretJoeRachelNasty NannyTin SoldierBallerinaJack-in-the-BoxYo Yo FlamingoSnooty FlamingosNoahSpring SpriteThe ElkThe Firebird
The Sorcerer's Apprentice: Balthazar BlakeDavid "Dave" StutlerMaxim HorvathRebecca "Becky" BarnesDrake StoneVeronica GorloisenMorgana le FayMerlinAbigail WilliamsSun Lok
Deleted: OtikaSunflowerEgret CoupleNaiadsNutcracker SentriesDahliaChronosLorenzoMolly
Upcoming: Minnie MouseWoolly MammothsSabertooth TigerBumbleJosé CariocaPanchito PistolesAracuan BirdThe Beach BoysCharoBambiThumperFlowerFalineFriend OwlThe Great Prince of the ForestBambi's MotherThumper's SistersMrs. HareMenaMr. HareThe Headless Horseman

Fantasia: Toccata and Fugue in D MinorNutcracker SuiteThe Sorcerer's ApprenticeThe Rite of SpringThe Pastoral SymphonyDance of the HoursNight on Bald Mountain/Ave Maria

Fantasia 2000: Symphony No. 5Pines of RomeRhapsody in BluePiano Concerto No. 2The Carnival of the AnimalsPomp and CircumstanceThe Firebird Suite

Yen Sid's TowerBald MountainNew York CityPrehistoryGreeceAustraliaAfricaSouth AmericaBrazilMexicoNorth AmericaWildwood Heart Forest
Deleted and unused concepts
Unused Fantasia SegmentsClair de LuneDestinoThe Little MatchgirlOne by OneLorenzo
Sorcerer HatGrimholdMerlin's RingEncantus