Before the beginning of the Jungle Fury series, Dominic was a former Pai Zhuq student who was sent away by Master Mao to find his path in life. After six years, he returns but is initially rejected by the other Rangers because the Rangers think he isn't serious enough to become a Ranger, He proves the other Rangers wrong causing them to take him under their wing. Togther they fight to keep their home safe.
The Disney Wiki has an article focusing on the relationships of Dominic Hargan.
Disney Fanon Wiki has a collection of images and media related to Dominic Hargan.
Dom's "Rhino Technique" is based on Karate, putting a strong emphasis on open-handed chopping and slashing.
He is the only Jungle Fury Ranger with a belt.
He is the only Ranger of the main five to not be a master by the end of the series.