Disney on Ice: Passport to Adventure (previously known as Silver Anniversary Celebration in the UK, 25 Years of Fantasy On Ice in Europe, Disney Classics, Mickey & Minnie's Magical/Amazing Journey, In Search of 101 Dalmatians, Disney Classics and originally Walt Disney's World On Ice 3-D ) is a Disney On Ice show which opened in October 12, 1995 and made its final performance on June 20, 2018.
Show is upgraded in 1998, 2001, 2003, 2007, 2008 and 2015. It tells the story of an adventure by Mickey, Minnie, Goofy, Donald, and Daisy that lets them see parts of Under the Sea, London, Neverland, Arendelle, and Africa.
In 2017, Judy Hopps and Nick Wilde from Zootopia have joined in the Fit to Dance pre-show.
Featured stories[]
The following stories have been featured in the final incarnation of the show:
- Peter Pan (2003 - June 20, 2018)
- The Little Mermaid
- The Lion King (2007 - June 20, 2018)
- Frozen (November 13, 2015 - June 20, 2018)
- Mary Poppins (no characters featured, but features the song Jolly Holiday) (2003 - June 20, 2018)
- It's a Small World (November 13, 2015 - June 20, 2018)
- Zootopia (2017 - June 20, 2018, pre-show only)
The previous stories represented in the show were:
- 101 Dalmatians (October 12, 1995 - 2008)
- Lilo & Stitch (2003 - November 2, 2015)
- Cinderella (October 12, 1995 - 2003)
- Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (2001 - 2003)
- The Jungle Book (October 12, 1995 - 2001)
- A Goofy Movie (October 12, 1995 - 1998)
- Gargoyles (October 12, 1995 - 1998)
- Fantasia (October 12, 1995 - 2001)
- Although Mary Poppins isn't represented in the show, the "Jolly Holiday" song is sung, but with modified lyrics.
- This is the last Disney On Ice show in which Daisy Duck starred.
- This is the first Disney On Ice in which Lilo & Stitch appeared.
- The show featured a jungle opening with monkeys from 2007 to November 2, 2015.