Disney Melody The Big Finale, is a final movie produced by Walt Disney Feature Animation and released by Walt Disney Pictures. With a running time of over 21 hours, Disney Melody The Big Finale is the longest musical film ever made in Walt Disney.
- 1812 Overture
- Prelude and Fugue No. 1
- Love Dream No. 3
- Mazeppa
- Nutcracker Suite
- The Sorcerer's Apprentice
- Rite of Spring
- Romeo and Juliet Fantasy: Overture
- The Pastoral Symphony
- Hungarian Rhapsody No. 2
- Piano Concerto No. 2
- La Campenella
- Un sospiro
- Pines of Rome
- Rhapsody in Blue
- The Carnival of the Animals
- Pomp and Circumstance
- The New Doll
- Moonlight Sonata
- Swan Theme
- Entr'acte
- Hungarian Dance No. 5
- Hungarian Rhapsody No. 6
- Etude No. 6
- La Chasse
- Peer Gynt Suite No. 1
- Wheat Field with Cypresses by Vincent van Gogh
- Emperor Waltz Op. 437
- La gazza ladra
- Winter Wind
- Symphony No. 9
- Night on Bald Mountain/Ave Maria
- The Firebird Suite
- Finale - Symphony No. 4
- End Credits