Demons are the secondary antagonists of the Disney's 2015 animated film, Fooled. They are the demons and one of Lord Fiorvante's henchmen.
They are antagonistic, mischievous, mean, grumpy, short-tempered, destructive and insensitive demons as seen working for his boss in the film.
They are first seen abusing a group of jesters and attempt to murder an innocent family.
Princess Lucia saves them and they attempt to kidnaps her to Lord Fiorvante marry her as a bride but the latter is rescued by Prince Leo. Lord Fiorvante then orders them to burn Paris to the ground and they search everywhere and still no sign of her. Lord Fiorvante and the demons attacks Marco, but he escapes and they becomes enraged.
Later, Fiorvante sings a song about he wants to kill the jesters as the demons join him for the song.
In the castle, Prince Leo is captured by the demons and Lord Fiorvante then takes him into the dungeon.
After Ugli frees Prince Leo in the dungeon, the Demons becomes enraged and watches Lord Fiorvante throws Ugli off the castle for betraying him.
Lord Fiorvante and his demons then captures all the jesters and takes them into the dungeon.
During the showdown with Fiorvante, Marco frees all the jesters and the Demons attempt to stop them in their tracks. Marco, Jangle, Ugli and the other jesters attack the demons. After the fight, the Demons runs off in fright.
- Both of the Demons' appearences and personality resmebling Chernabog's minions.