Deathbringers is an American animated television series about two teenage girls who become Grim Reapers after being possessed by the soul of a infamous scientist. With their new supernatural abilities, they have to face being defenders of the deceased and being ordinary high schoolers at the same time. Due to the often macabre humor and disturbing subject matter a few episodes have, Deathbringers has been considered one of Disney Channel's darkest projects to ever be made. Despite how dark the series is, it has been praised for its characters, humor, writing, and depiction of mixing both dark fantasy and teen drama.
The series revolves around Piper Cartman, Anna Sophia Green, and Piper's anthropomorphic Raggedy Ann doll Raggy as they try to face everyday life while at the same time trying to make sure that the deceased rest in peace and prevent demons and imps to ruin it. In most episodes, there is a subplot focusing on Lucifer Wayott as he struggles on being a normal teenager and being the son of Satan Wayott, who wants to enslave all of Salem.
Series creator Bryan Lee O'Malley claim that he created the idea while roaming around on a graveyard. He also got the idea of creating Raggy from seeing the grave of Pam Ann Bull while going to Anderson, Indiana. He also wanted to feature a character that had daddy issues, making Lucifer. However, these issues were more common around season four, the final season of the show.