Disney Fanon Wiki

Daniel Duck is the main antagonist of the Disney's 2001 animated film, Donald Duck 2.


Daniel is extremely cruel, manipulative and villainous with a raw temper and very destructive, even more than Donald and can get angry for no reason.


Daniel first appeared earlier in the film when he almost ran over Daisy with his truck and angrily yells "Watch where you're going, duck!".

Later, when Donald Duck angrily destroys the most prized popsicle and dumps Daisy, Daniel sees this and laughs evily, and then creates the official supreme of the kid's cartoon's TV board.

Daniel tells him to hold that Donald's anger thought as he has another surprise, he then reveals the official supreme judge of the kid's cartoon's TV board and he's there to judge and evaluate what attitudes are allowed in kid's cartoons. He reveals his true plan by revealing the anger meter measures Donald's anger of any specific character in a show, if the rating exceeds the allowed limit, he'll be forced to banish the character without standing anger issues. Daniel then explains that when Donald's anger will lead to the cancellation of the show in order to make a new cartoon. Daniel also reveals his true colors that he is a villain who steals Donald's identity and wants Daisy to be his mate. As Donald tells Daisy that he's seen a lot in his day and doesn't fall for her trick, Daniel then tells him to watch his temper. When the meter goes up, Donald is completely erased (but actually shows Donald is transported into a computer game).

As Donald returns to his world, he becomes relaxed. Daniel wants to know what's going on and wonders why isn't he angry anymore. He then tries to get him mad by taunting, fighting, and assaulting Donald, to making him uncomfortable, but Scrooge tells her that he's going to have to try harder than that to make him mad. Daniel, still fighting with Donald, becomes mad himself and begins to do a series of things to make Donald mad, but fails as Daniel's anger makes the judge banishes him by using the giant pencil that slowly erases him from existence. Accepting his defeat, Daniel swores revenge on Donald Duck that he will return to kill him and make Daisy his wife, and is completely erased.


