Cinderella 4: The Royal Coronation is a Disney animated feature film and the third sequel to the 1950 animated film, Cinderella. Taking place five years after the third film, Cinderella and Prince Charming have four children.
- Cinderella - main protagonist; becomes queen at the end of the film
- Prince Charming - Cinderella's husband; becomes king at the end of the film
- Andrew, Rosie, and Antoine - Cinderella and Prince Charming's triplets. Andrew was born first.
- Louise - Cinderella and Prince Charming's newborn daughter.
- The King - father of Prince Charming; died at some point during the film
- Jaq and Gus - Cinderella's mice friends
- Bruno - Cinderella's pet dog
- Major - Cinderella's horse
- The Grand Duke - The King's chief advisor