Chuck E. Duck (also known as Ducky[1]) is a character who was introduced in the 2012 Pixar short, Partysaurus Rex. He is a rubber duck who is one of Bonnie's toys.
Chuck is a rubber duck who is one of Bonnie's toys. He is depicted with the common colors of a rubber duck - yellow body and orange beak. Like all the bathtub toys, Chuck cannot move when not floating on water. When floating on water, it gives him the ability to move, resulting in a party with the other toys on Bonnie's bathtub.
Partysaurus Rex[]
Chuck is first seen in a fantasy sequence of Captain Suds where he approaches Ducky and when a gigantic version of Rex emerges, it turns out that Bonnie is playing with his bathtub toys all along. Bonnie's mother sees her daughter telling her to have dinner at her grandmother's house instead just as she drains the water from the bathtub, resulting the water to drain. Chuck asks Rex that he was less scarier than the last sea monster, which Rex tells him that that his friends call him "Partysaurus Rex". Soon as all the water is drained, the rest of the bathtub toys started lying down due to no water on the tub. Rex then decides to help the bathtub toys by turning on the cold water to come out of the spouter from Drips. It ultimately results in Chuck and the rest of the bathtub toys dancing with each other happily thanks to Rex's plans, causing the toys to party in the bathtub - especially with extra soap.
Notcing a drain on the bathtub, Rex tosses a sponge in the shape of a frog on the drain, which Chuck tells a diver toy that they will overflow. Noticing that there is too much water in the bathtub, Rex turns off the lever from the spouter Drips is on, much to Chuck and the other toys' worry. However, the water from the shower starts pouring, resulting in Chuck and the bathtub toys to overflow. Chuck makes no further appearances after that, even during the part where Bonnie's mother is talking to a plumbing service company about Bonnie's bathtub being jammed.
Disney Parks, Experiences and Products[]
In Toy Story Land at Disney's Hollywood Studios, the drink stands located in this area have an illustration of Chuck in it. The illustrations depict Chuck drinking from a typical drinking cup.
- In the audio commentary for Partysaurus Rex, Chuck was named "Ducky"[1] while the credits for the short itself credit him as "Chuck E. Duck".
- The name "Ducky", another name for Chuck, was also shared with one of Sid's mutant toys who is also named "Ducky", is a PEZ dispenser duck head placed on another toy's body. Ducky would later share a similar name with another plush duck character from the 2019 film, Toy Story 4.