Catboy is the leader of the trio and the oldest too. Incredibly fast, amazingly agile, he can hear the quietest sounds across unbelievable distances, but he's also afraid of water. Still, when adventure beckons, "The amazing Catboy leaps to the rescue". With these skills, Catboy can outrun anyone and gives Night Ninja a challenge with his amazing leaps and acrobatic moves. His vehicle the Cat-Car gets the heroes from A to B in lightning speed and even shoots moth balls should there be anything in the way!
As Connor, he takes great enjoyment in associating with Greg and Amaya. He can be a bit clumsy at times; this was especially emphasized in "Clumsy Catboy". He's also nice, smart, happy, caring, friendly, helpful, and funny. and overprotective In "Catboy's Great Gig", it is shown that he sometimes has intense stage fright.
As Catboy, he leads the PJ Masks through the steps of defeating villains such as Romeo, Luna Girl & Night Ninja. He prefers to have his own way, but still respects Owlette and Gekko when they ring in with their opinions. On many occasions, like his fellow members, childlike immaturity tends to overtake his mindset on the mission leading to issues (such as getting frustrated in "Catboy and Master Fang's Sword", letting leadership go to his head in "Catboy Takes Control" and placing Amaya and Greg's safety over the mission in "Catboy vs. Robo-Cat"), but this is always realized and corrected leading to the mission being done properly, and the villain's plans foiled. Despite being the leader of the team, each member still has as much priority.
Physical appearance[]
Connor has olive skin, blue eyes, and milk chocolate brown hair that spikes up at the front. His daytime look consists of a dark teal jacket with a white shirt underneath, light blue jeans, and red sneakers with yellow shoelaces.
The outfit of his night-time hero, Catboy, consists of a blue cat jumpsuit and mask with dark blue lighting stripes, designed after a jungle cat.
When he was turned evil in "Gekko and the Opposite Ray", his outfit become black with white lightning stipes and a gray logo, and his eyes became gray.
Powers and abilities[]
Super Cat Ears: Can hear any sound from far away.
Super Cat Jump: Can jump really high and far.
Super Cat Leap: Can leap at a fast time.
Super Cat Speed: Can run really fast at lightning speed.
Super Cat Agility: Catboy is very agile.
Super Cat Lightning: Can create lightning while running. He can use it to make anything he touches go faster and even recharge robots.
Super Cat Stripes: (first seen in "Wacky Floats", and officially introduced in "PJ Power Up") Can shoot glowing energy stripes at opponents to attack and tie them up and can also shoot them at objects to move them around and hold on to them.
The following powers were temporarily gained in "Owlette of a Kind":
Cat Eyes: A power identical to Owlette's "Owl Eyes", caused by Romeo's Power Copier. This power was self-nicknamed by Catboy upon discovery.
Owl Wing Wind: Another temporary power of Owlette's caused by Romeo's Power Copier.
he is a little childest
Connor is friends with Amaya and Greg, and considers them best friends.
Connor is the oldest of the group.
Like most felines, Connor dislikes water.
In "Owlette's Terrible Pterodactyl Trouble", Catboy almost lost his friendship with Owlette, but Owlette went back and apologizes to him when she realized that she was wrong about Catboy for being hard and refusing to forgive him.
Catboy is actually shown to be protective over Owlette and Gekko. As shown in the episode "Catboy vs. Robo-Cat", when he didn't let Amaya and Greg help him because he thought they might be unable to help without their powers, and also when he promised that he'll save them from Romeo.
He has a large interest in Master Fang and sometimes pretends to be him during missions.
He has a fear of water; it was mentioned in "Catboy's Cloudy Crisis", "Owlette the Winner", "Pirates Ahoy!", "Motsuki the Best", "Gekko Takes Charge", and "Catboy Power Up".
He sometimes treats Gekko like a little brother.
In "Owlette of a Kind", he temporarily gained Owlette's powers due to Romeo's Power Copier.
His suit is currently the only one with ears.
His signature color is blue.
He has occasionally used his Super Cat Ears ability in the Owl Glider and Gekko-Mobile, but he has mostly used it in the Cat-Car and outside of the vehicle.
In the episode "Gekko's Super Gekko Sense", it is revealed that he is talented at drawing. It is mentioned again in the episode "Owlette and the Owletteenies".
In the episodes "Catboy's Great Gig", "Beat the Drum, Catboy" and "Super Cat Ears", it is revealed that he is good at playing instruments, like the flute, the drum, and the trumpet.
In "Who's Got the Owl Power?", it is shown that he knows about origami and knows how to fold paper into fancy origami paper figures, such as a dragon.
In "Catboy's Cuddly" and "Moon Cuddly", he has a cuddly cat named Mr. Meow.
Catboy used Super Cat Stripes for the first time in "PJ Power Up".
Catboy is turned into Night Panther, a villain cat with a black body and white stripes in "Gekko and the Opposite Ray".
Catboy is based on the original book series character, Yoyo.
He is also named after his book counterpart in the French version of the television series.
He is the tallest PJ Mask member.
He teared up for the first time, in "Heroes of the Sky". While in "Terrible Two-Some" and "Big Sister Motsuki", he cried two times while he was Kitten Boy.
Season One: "Blame it on the Train, Owlette / Catboy's Cloudy Crisis" • "Owlette and the Flash Flip Trip / Catboy and the Pogo Dozer" • "Gekko and the Super Ninjalinos / Owlette's Terrible Pterodactyl Trouble" • "Catboy and the Shrinker / Owlette and the Moon-Ball" • "Catboy and the Butterfly Brigade / Owlette the Winner" • "Speak Up, Gekko! / Catboy and Master Fang's Sword" • "Catboy vs. Robo-Cat / Owlette and the Giving Owl" • "Catboy and the Great Birthday Cake Rescue / Gekko and the Snore-A-Saurus" • "Looking After Gekko / Catboy and the Teeny Weeny Ninjalino" • "Catboy's Tricky Ticket / Gekko and the Missing Gekko-Mobile" • "Catboy's Flying Fiasco / Gekko's Stay-at-Home Sneezes" • "Gekko Saves Christmas / Gekko's Nice Ice Plan" • "Gekko and the Mighty Moon Problem / Clumsy Catboy" • "Catboy and Gekko's Robot Rampage / Owlette's Feathered Friend" • "Owlette and the Battling Headquarters / Gekko and the Mayhem at the Museum" • "Catboy Takes Control / Owlette's Two Wrongs" • "Gekko Floats / Catboy's Two-Wheeled Wonder" • "Catboy's Great Gig / Owlette's New Move" • "Supersonic Owlette / Catboy and the Sticky Splat Slingshot" • "Owlette of a Kind / Beat the Drum, Catboy" • "Catboy Squared / Gekko's Super Gekko Sense" • "Owlette and the Owletteenies / Gekko's Blame Campaign" • "Owlette and the Moonflower / Slowpoke Gekko" • "Catboy and the Lunar Dome / Gekko and the Rock of All Power" • "Super-Sized Gekko / Take to the Skies, Owlette" • "Slow Down, Catboy! / Gekko's Special Rock"
Season Two: "Moonfizzle Balls / Soccer Ninjalinos" • "Lionel-Saurus / Catboy's Cuddly" • "Night of the Cat / Catboy Does it Again" • "Terrible Two-Some / Owlette's Luna Trouble" • "Ninja Moths / Who's Got the Owl Power?" • "PJ Pinball / Bounce-a-Tron" • "Wacky Floats / Romeo's Disguise" • "PJ Robot / PJ Power Up" • "Moonstruck" • "Robot's Pet Cat / Gekko, Master of the Deep" • "May the Best Power Win / Moonbreaker" • "Race Up Mystery Mountain / The Mountain Prisoner" • "The Wolfy Kids / Wolf-O-Saurus" • "Catboy No More / Gekko vs. Splatcano" • "Meet Armadylan / Invisible Owlette" • "Wolfy Mountain / Romeo's Crystal Clear Plan" • "Nobody's Sidekick / Armadylan Menace" • "Powerpond Weed / Owlette Comes Clean" • "Halloween Tricksters" • "The Wolfies Take HQ / The Good Wolfy" • "The Wolfy Plan / The Lizard Theft" • "PJ Dylan / Armadylan'd and Dangerous" • "Romeo's Action Toys / The Dragon Gong" • "Romeocoaster" / "Flight of the Ninja" • "Gekko and the Opposite Ray / PJ Masks vs. Bad Guys United" • "Easter Wolfies / Luna and the Wolfies" Season Three: "Moon Madness" • "Armadylan and Robette Rule / Armadylan Zen" • "Way of the Woofy / Werejalinos" • "PJ Comet / Glowy Moths" • "Teacher Goes Ninja / Robot Goes Wrong" • "Lionel's Powers / Best Friends Forever" • "Meet An Yu" • "The Moon Prix / Pirates Ahoy!" • "Secret of the Pagoda / Storm of the Ninja" • "Arma-Leader / Owlette Slips Up" • "The Splat Monster" • "Moth on the Moon / Fly Me to the Moon" • "Luna's Cosmic Tantrum / Motsuki the Best" • "Wheels of a Hero / Moonwolfy" • "Clash on Mystery Mountain / A Teeny Weeny Problem" • "Take Romeo off the Road / "Mission: PJ Seeker" • "Wolfy Powers" • ""Do The Gekko" • "Armadylan, Action Hero" • "Super Muscles Show Off" • "The Prank Wheelz" • "Where's the Wolf Wheelz" • "Villain of the Sky" "Protector of the Sky" "The PJ Masks Save Christmas" Season Four: "Heroes of the Sky" • "Who Let The Moths In?" / "Commander Meow" • "Motsuki's Missing Sister" / "Not so Ninja" • "PJ Party Mountain" / "Wolfies of the Pagoda" • "Master Fang's Secret" / "Aerodylan" • "Asteroid Accident" / "All About Asteroid" • "Romeo's Space Machine" / "Newton and the Ninjas" • "Missing Space Rock" / "Flying Factory Out of Control" • "Munki-gu" / "Munki-gu in the City" • "Mission Munki-gu" / "Legend of the Wolfy Bone" • "Gekko Vs Armavillain" / "Super Super Cat Speed" • "Munki-gu's Dragon" / "Gekko Loves Lionel" • "Octobella" / "Octo-Trouble" • "Star Buddies" / "To the Moon and Back" • "Magnet in the Moat" / "Motsuki Bugs Out" • "Octobella's Garden" / "Sploshy Splash" • "Teeny Weeny Returns" / "Robo-Wolf" • "The Labours of Armadylan" / "Lost in Space" • "Monkey Chatter" / "The Secret of Monkey Goodness • "Pharaoh Boy" / "By My Pharaoh Feathers" • "Pharaoh's Chariot" / "PJ Robot Malfunction" • "The Mysterious Masks" / "Battle of the Fangs" • "Catboy's Cat" / "Mad with Moon Power" / "Pharaoh and the Ninjalinos" / "Pharaoh's Boomerangs" / "Pharaoh and the Ninjalinos" • "Bubbles of Badness" Season Five: "Ninja Power Up" • "Luna Goes Too Far?" / "Owly Tricks" • "Newton The Destructor" / "Luna Kazoomer" • "Baddie Bots" / "Newton and the Animals" • "Octobella Strikes Again" / "Octobella on the Loose" • "Teent Weeny To The Rescue" / "Invisible Munki-Gu" • "Orticia Blooms" / "Orticia And The Pumpkins" • "Pirate Robot" / "Owlette, The Pirate Queen" • "Catboy's Magic Trick" / "Gekko The Croc"
"Super Cat Speed" • "Super Gekko Muscles"
Theme song • Let's Go PJ Masks! • The Bravest Cat • Hey Hey Owlette • Mighty Little Gekko • Let's Get Silly • The Power of Friendship • PJ Masks Will Save the Day • Hello Christmas! • PJ Masks Are Feeling Great!