Disney Fanon Wiki

Caleb Bubbles is a major character from the Lilo & Stitch franchise. He is Cobra Bubbles' son who befriends and helps Stitch after Lilo is captured among other experiments by Xanto Zakai who plans to upgrade them all.


Someday, when Cobra Bubbles was a CIA Agent and married to Grace Bubbles, they gave birth to him, causing Cobra to retire and move them to Hawaii, where Caleb was raised.


Physical apperances[]


The Lost Experiment[]

Caleb was first seen playing Basketball on the beach, when he accidentally lost the ball, and hit right into Stitch's face. After checking on him to see he he was okay, Caleb befriended Stitch, inviting him to play ball with him.

Stitch of Kauai[]

Caleb becomes one of the main characters in the new Lilo & Stitch TV show, where be is now Stitch's guardian, while Lilo is out of town in college.


  • Caleb and his mother Grace Bubbles are the reason why Cobra Bubbles retired in CIA, and became a social worker.