Buzz Lightyear of Star Command is an American animated science fiction/adventure/comedy television series produced by Disney Television Animation and Pixar Animation Studios. A reboot/revival of the original 2000 animated television series of the same name created by Mark McCorkle and Bob Schooley. Tim Allen (replacing Patrick Warburton), Nicole Sullivan, Stephen Furst, and Neil Flynn will be return to reprise them roles, however, Patrick Warburton wouldn't be returning the voice of Buzz Lightyear.
This series was outsourced by Rough Draft Korea. It will be premiered on Disney+ on TBD 2020.
Voice cast[]
- Tim Allen as Buzz Lightyear
- Nicole Sullivan as Mira Nova
- Sam Riegel as Booster
- Larry Miller as XR
- Wayne Knight as Emperor Zurg
Differences from the original series[]
- The theme music is the same, but now, it is re-orchestrated, that revival series will be filmed in 1.78:1 widescreen. Trixie, Mr. Pricklepants, Forky, Aliens, Dolly, Buttercup, Chuckles will be appearance as a cameos in the opening sequence. And the opening sequence was take place in Bonnie's house.
- Disney-Pixar logo finally appears at the top of the Buzz Lightyear of Star Command, because unlike the original series, the logo didn't have it.
- Unlike the original series, instead of short-live show, this revival will be longest-running show.
- This is the first Pixar traditionally-animated TV series since the original series of Buzz Lightyear of Star Command (2000).
- This is the first Pixar TV series where the original voice cast members reprise their roles, in this case, Buzz Lightyear.
- This is the second Disney Television Animation and Pixar Animation Studios collaboration.
- The series celebrates Buzz Lightyear of Star Command's 20th anniversary.