Bizaardvark is an American comedy television series created by Kyle Stegina and Josh Lehrman that premiered on Disney Channel on June 24, 2016. The series stars Madison Hu, Olivia Rodrigo, Jake Paul, DeVore Ledridge, Ethan Wacker, Maxwell Simkins, and Elie Samouhi. In addition to the series' regular episodes, the series has also aired shorts under the title of Bizaardvark Shorts.
Frankie and Paige are two teenage best friends who post funny songs and comedic videos on the Internet. After hitting 10,000 subscribers on their Vuuugle channel Bizaardvark (a portmanteau of the words "bizarre" and "aardvark"[1]), they are accepted into the Vuuugle studios, where they make their videos while also having to share them with other "Vuuuglers".
In Season 3, Paige and Frankie are among the Vuuuglers that attend the Vuuugle House where they, Amelia, and Bernie meet two new Vuuuglers named Zane and Rodney.
Cast and characters[]
- Madison Hu as Frankie Wong,[2] one star of Bizaardvark who plays the keyboard and piano.
- Olivia Rodrigo as Paige Olvera,[2] the other star of Bizaardvark who plays the guitar.
- Jake Paul as Dirk Mann[2] (seasons 1–2), the star of Dare Me Bro, where he takes dare requests that he performs.
- DeVore Ledridge as Amelia Duckworth,[2] the star of Perfect Perfection with Amelia who details about fashion. By the third season, Amelia changes the name of her series to Imperfect Imperfection in light of her little sister Willow coming to live with her.
- Ethan Wacker as Bernard "Bernie" Schotz,[2] a friend of Frankie and Paige who becomes their agent. He also becomes friends with Dirk and develops a crush on Amelia.
- Maxwell Simkins as Zane (season 3), a new Vuuugle star, Rodney's best friend, and the star of Zane Unboxed, where he tells stories associated with his unboxing.
- Elie Samouhi as Rodney (season 3) a new Vuuugle star, Zane's best friend, and the star of What's in M'Hair?, where he pulls out different things that are found in his hair.
- Johnathan McClain as Liam, the son of Vuuugle's creator who speaks to the Vuuuglers through a robotic TV screen.
- Ellen Ratner as Grandma, the grandmother of Bernie who lives with her.
- Maya Jade Frank as Belissa, a superfan of Bizaardvark who is the webmaster of the fansite "I Heart Vark".
- Adam Haas Hunter as Viking Guy (season 2), a tall Viking who is the star of Vuuugle's "Live Like a Viking" Channel.
- Rachna Khatau as Principal Karen (season 2–present), the principal of Sierra High School seeking the approval of students who later becomes a fan of Bizaardvark like Belissa did.
Extermal links[]
- Bizaardvark on Wikipedia
- Bizaardvark on IMDb
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