Bingo is Old MacDonald's dog and one of the characters in Mother Goose: Rhymes To The Rescue.
There was a farmer who had a dog
And Bingo was his name-o!
B-I-N-G-O, B-I-N-G-O, B-I-N-G-O
And Bingo was his name-o!
Bingo is Old MacDonald's dog. His job is to herd the animals and keep trespassers off the farm. He always keeps a good temper, but once the Ill Wills go too far, he can be rather wild. Old Mac's best friend is always by his master's side, so this courageous canine is someone you can count on.
Bingo is a black and white border collie with a magenta collar and a golden name tag.
In the movie, Bingo can be seen sleeping on the farmhouse porch on Old MacDonald's farm while his master is in a rocking chair. Bingo is seen in "The Nursery Rhyme Medley" where back up singers sing his rhyme.
As soon as the Ill Wills take control of Rhymeville and Old MacDonald sets out to find Mother Goose, the farm starts running itself as Bingo starts going crazy. When Old MacDonald and his gang rest for the night, the farmer wishes that Bingo was with him.
As soon as Rhymeville starts going back to normal, Bingo somehow has been back to his old self. He comes running up to Marshall when Old King Cole and his royal cavalry arrive to help stop the Wills.
During the final battle, Bingo attacks the Ill Wills by tearing them to shreds. As soon as all the Ill Wills are gone, Mother Goose decrees that she and her Rhymesters shall continue to do their rhymes.
Bingo is even seen at the celebration party in Old King Cole's castle; after the party, Bingo and his friends return home to continue acting out their rhymes. In the end as Old MacDonald returns to work, Bingo barks goodbye to the viewers.
Video Games[]
Bingo appears in the video game as a non-playable character, he is called by Old MacDonald to attack enemies.
- Bingo is considered more of a song than a nursery rhyme, which is why he doesn't appear many editions of the nursey rhyme book. Although, sometimes he is seen as different breed of dog.
- Bingo is the only farm dog and border collie to appear in Mother Goose: Rhymes To The Rescue while the Little Dog is more of a golden retriever.
- In the movie, Bingo is seen on the farm, fighting the Ill Wills, and joining Old King Cole's party; in the video game, Old MacDonald calls him wherever he goes.
- Bingo bears a great resemblance to Mike the Dog who actually played Bingo in Kidsongs: A Day with the Animals.