Images of Baymax from the Disney animated film, Big Hero 6.
External Galleries[]
- Main article: Baymax/Gallery/Films and Television
Stock art[]
Concept art[]
Concept art of Baymax's emotional moments with Hiro.
Comcept Art of Baymax with a towel, a bucket and a rubber ducky.
Early design of Baymax (similar to his Marvel design) with Hiro
Deleted concept art of Baymax killed by Yokai and the gang (including The Fujitas) with two darts.
A very sad moment of Tadashi's death with Baymax, Hiro and Aunt Cass.
Video games[]
Disney Infinity[]
Baymax in Disney Infinity
Kingdom Hearts III[]
Concept art of Baymax and Sora fighting Heartless-Baymax
Two Baymaxes
Baymax's emoji for Disney Emoji Blitz
Baymax backpack stand in Disney Magic Kingdoms
Bao Baymax stand in Disney Magic Kingdoms
Baymax in Disney Magic Kingdoms
Baymax with Disney Heroes: Battle Mode
Disney Epic Quest line-up
Baymax's redesign for Disney Mirrorverse
Baymax in Roblox
Disney parks and other live appearances[]
On The Happy Ride with Baymax attraction vehicle.
Plush toy
Baymax mug
Big Hero 6: The Series Diecast Baymax figure
Chibi figure (armored)
Chibi figure
Baymax as Woody
Baymax as Buzz Lightyear
An illustration of various Disney "sidekick" characters by Eric Goldberg
Baymax as Olaf in the Big Hero 6 gag reel
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