Amphibia The Movie is a 2021 American animated musical fantasy comedy action drama film directed by Amphibia creator Matt Braly with a soundtrack produced by TJ Hill and with animations by Toon Boom Animation. The film was produced by Walt Disney Motion Pictures, Disney Television Animation, Toon Boom and with assistance by Universal Pictures. The film was released on October 28th 2021 with a limited China and Ukraine release on November 22nd-November 24th 2021 and with a DVD, Digital, Blu-Ray and Disney+ release on February 22nd 2022. This film is the first in the Disney TVA Cinematic Universe the second being Amphibia 2: Global Threat, Amphibia 3: The New World, Amphibia 4, The Molly Mcgee Movie, Hamster and Gretel, Spidey and his Amazing Movie!, Ghost Hunters: A Molly Mcgee Movie Sequel, Amphibia: Retouched, Ducktales, Working Minds, The Incredible Tale of Scientific Science, Amphibia 5.4 and the highly anticipated final installment in the franchise, The Super Secret Totally Tubular Disney Channel Crossover Movie!. As of February 9th,2023, there has been no information regarding a sixth Amphibia film to be in the works following the first five installments.
This movie began development during production of the 2019 series of the same name.
After a lab explosion goes wary and multiple of Amphibia's greatest treasures escape from their enclosure and are spread out around the world, Anne, the plantars and her friends must reunite the treasures before the King could set his eyes on them.
Brenda Song: Anne Boonchuy
Bill Farmer: Hop Pop