Alan Grant is one of the main protagonists of the Jurassic Park franchise, serving as the main protagonist of the Jurassic Park book, the first Jurassic Park movie and Jurassic Park III, and is set to return in an unknown role in Jurassic World: Dominion. He is a paleontologist who was invited by John Hammond to his theme park, Jurassic Park. Since then he is involved with the dinosaurs.
Alan's fate is very different in the various canons: in the book and in Operation Genesis, he never encounters dinosaurs again after his initial visit to Isla Nublar, while in Jurassic Park Adventures: Prey, he lives for years on a research center to study the dinosaurs. In the movies, he visits Isla Sorna after his initial visit to Isla Nublar, and then encounters dinosaurs again during the events of Jurassic World: Dominion. In all media he is socially awkward. He cares about taking down Dennis Nedry.
He is played by Sam Neill.