7 & 7 is an American live-animated comedy film released by Walt Disney Animation Studios. The film is set in the mind of a young boy named Noah, where two groups of personified feelings--the Virtues (based on the seven virtues) & the Vices (based on the seven deadly sins)--try to lead him through life as he starts high school, while at the same time trying to outmatch one over the other.
Film Summary[]
- Virtues: The group in Noah's mind that helps him make good choices in life.
- Jake Short voices Humility: The main protagonist of the film, the (somewhat reluctant) leader of the Virtues. He helps Noah overcome his selfish motives.
- Dove Cameron voices Chastity: Member of the Virtues who helps Noah control his passions.
- TBA voices Temperance: Member of the Virtues who helps Noah control himself, usually when it comes to his appetites.
- TBA voices Charity: Member of the Virtues who helps Noah provide service to others.
- Jason Gray voices Diligence: Member of the Virtues who resembles a fitness worker; he helps Noah overcome a difficult challenge.
- TBA voices Patience: Member of the Virtues who resembles a hippie; he helps Noah deal with long-term difficulties. He acts as the peacemaker of the group.
- TBA voices Kindness: Member of the Virtues who helps Noah be nice to others.
- Vices: The group in Noah's mind that try to get him to make bad choices in life. They are the archrivals of the Virtues.
- Benedict Cumberbatch voices Pride: The main antagonist of the film, the leader of the Vices. He tries to get Noah to reach his selfish motives. He is the archrival of Humility.
- Bella Thorne voices Passion: Member of the Vices who tries to enforce Noah's romantic feelings. She is the archrival of Chastity.
- TBA voices Gluttony: The overweight member of the Vices who tries to get Noah to overeat. He is the archrival of Temperance.
- TBA voices Greed: Member of the Vices who resembles a 1920s gangster; he tries to get Noah to get what he wants all the time. He is the archrival of Charity.
- TBA voices Sloth: The lazy member of the Vices who tries to get Noah to stop doing whatever he's doing. He is the archrival of Diligence.
- TBA voices Wrath: The hot-headed member of the Vices who tries to get Noah to go into an uncontrollable rage. He is the archrival of Patience.
- TBA voices Envy: Member of the Vices who resembles a punk; she tries to get Noah to go after what others have. She is the archrival of Kindness.
- TBA as Noah
Songs that appear in the film:
- Barbie Girl - Aqua
- Don't Want to Miss a Thing - Aerosmith
- This film is rated PG (for crude humor & mild peril).